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NZ Super Rates for 2025
The 2025 NZS rates have been approved by the government for 2025, with increases from April 1st that exceed the CPI increase of 2.2%.
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Public Health in Dire State
Finally, the Government appears to have listened to the public’s frustration with our crumbling health system. Waiting lists in primary and secondary care appear to be growing longer and longer with poor outcomes for the most vulnerable.
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Wellington Rates Unaffordable for Seniors
Wellington Central Grey Power president Colleen Singleton said it had members in central Wellington living “hand to mouth”. as they struggled to keep up with the rates increases.
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Recession has increased level of poverty
Susan Edmunds Money Correspondent with RNZ, reports on the significant impact of the sustained period of financial stress New Zealanders have faced. The economy has changed in many ways, including the higher prices we are all paying compared to 5 years ago.
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Adequacy of NZS
The Mercer international review of international pension schemes has just been published. The top scoring countries with an A rating were Netherlands, Iceland, Denmark & Israel – each of which were classified as a “first-class and robust retirement income system that delivers good benefits, is sustainable and has a high level of integrity.”
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Over 12,500 sign petition to reform Retirement Village Legislation.
Grey Power strongly supports the Retirement Village Resident’s Association’s (RVRA) call to overhaul unfair Retirement Village Legislation. Meetings are planned next week between associate housing minister Tama Potaka and parties such as the RVRA interested in early retirement village law reform. For more background see the article in the Waikato Times.
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Petition to support Rail Ferries on Cook Strait
For those concerned about the Government failing to ensure that there is a replacement Cook Strait Ferry that can carry trains and maintain the NI-SI link, you may wish to consider supporting the Save Our Trains/The Future is Rail petition.
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Driver Licence Renewal for Seniors
We have been flooded with calls and emails from seniors around the country upset or outraged as to the processes being implemented for driver licence renewal at some medical practices. The uptake of compulsory cognitive tests is clearly ageist and needs to stop.
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Grey Power endorses call for Higher Hearing Aid subsidies.
Carolyn Cooper, Age Care Commissioner, urged Grey Power members at the AGM in Wellington to have their hearing checked as hearing loss has been proven to be a risk factor for dementia. Carolyn has recently called for a higher subsidy for hearing aids to make them more affordable – “The cost of hearing aids is forcing some older New Zealanders to import their own devices from overseas or turn to retailers like Costco.” She is concerned that thousands of older Kiwis cannot afford to treat their hearing loss, which puts them at higher risk of dementia and other major problems like social isolation. In an address to the “Audiology and the silver wave” webinar hosted by the NZ Hearing Industry Association, she called for the Government to provide hearing aids for everyone who needs them, including the costs of assessment and fitting.
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Fake News on Pension Reform
Please be aware that the article being circulated on-line about the Government’s plans to abolish state pensions is Fake News. The original news item is very alarming and appears to be on the NZ Herald website, by a Herald Journalist.
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Insurance Policies being Cancelled due to Skyrocketing Premiums
It appears that a significant number of pensioners and families in Northland are cancelling their insurance cover as premiums skyrocket according to a report from an article in the Northern Advocate. Northland’s Grey Power Board member , Russell Bird reports that Grey Power has been receiving more complaints, especially in the last 9 months, with many cancelling their cover. For those dependant on NZS as their sole income in retirement increases of the order of 25-40% are just not affordable and so cuts are necessary. Rather than being left without any protection those facing high increases are encouraged to get alternative quotes, and to consider raising their excess amount, rather than cancelling protection in these uncertain times.
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Advocacy for Seniors in the Health System
Caroline Cooper, Aged Care Commissioner, brought a fresh approach and commitment to improving the way our more vulnerable seniors are treated in our struggling health service. Speaking at The Grey Power Federation AGM in late June, her passion for improving the situation for our most vulnerable seniors was refreshing.
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