In this survey we want to know your thoughts on a new logo for Grey Power, important work from our Strategic Plan. The current logo is not used by all our Associations with many varied options being used. To be more effective as an organisation we need a strong easily identified logo. Your assessment of some potential options is very important to the Board as we move forward.
In addition, we want to know your priorities for areas that we need to focus on for advocacy. We can only do so much with our resources and your priorities matter.
Finally, with mailing costs for our National Magazine having increased by over 30% this year to over $200,000 in 2024, we need to find a solution that is practical and of benefit to all our members. Please provide your response to what the Board is proposing going forward.
Survey Closes Friday 13th December.
Hurry and have your say and be in the draw to win one of four $50 Prezzy Cards.